On 10/10/2020 1:48 PM, NFN Smith wrote:
🐴 Mr. Ed 🐴 wrote:
Anyone still using "MozBackup-1.5.2-beta1-EN" for back up in the 2.50.x

If you're referring to http://mozbackup.jasnapaka.com/ , that one has been abandoned since 2012.  That's before Mozilla went to Rapid Release for Firefox, and it's my understanding that the developer stopped because even then, there were too many changes to Firefox to keep up with maintenance.

I would not trust it for backups of Seamonkey 2.48 or 2.53.

Ultimately, making backups is merely a matter of getting the contents of %APPDATA\Mozilla\Seamonkey copied to another location.


True, but it was working up to 2.48.  I used it to copy when installing SM on a laptop.
A friend asked because he wanted to do the same and I wasn't sure if it worked after that since I've been doing a backup doing the same as you suggested each night using a batch file to get all my daily work backed up.

"This is America!  You can't make a horse
 testify against himself!"          -Mister Ed

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