Frosted Flake wrote:
Paul in Houston, TX wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
I used to visit "FoxNews" web site, but it is so filled with THIS & THAT
loading and the screen never settles down due to krap loading constantly !

Is there some way to stop that ?  Ad Blocking just causes more "Please
Turn Off Ad Blocker" prompts.   A good web site is now TRASHED UP with
so many ads, it is worthless !   Everything else is trash.


Turn off JS on Fox News.
I never see any ads or videos or any sort of pop ups.

Details of how to do so?

My solution is similar to David Ross'.
A disable js extension.
uBlock Origin ad blocker.
BluHell firewall.
and a button to turn off html5.
Many different ones are directly available for SM or can be converted from FF to SM. Find ones that work well and you that you like.
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