Edmund Wong wrote:
Hi All,

I hope all is well with everyone.

I've been spending a lot of time working on the update system.  When I
started this project some time ago,  I had just wanted to use the
old system and update (pun not intended)it.  Gave up that idea and went
for something else.

Now fast forward a few years to 2020 after working on this on-and-off.
With the release process still being half-manually generated (though
the process has gotten a bit faster), I figured I'd tackle this update
issue once and for all.

I had the intention of setting up the new system such that all versions
(2.0 to etc) can update properly.  After getting a simple
working prototype running, I realized that it's no longer possible to
even update anything <= 2.23.

Our update site uses TLSv1.1 or 1.2 (and a better set of cyphers) which
these versions don't support and it's no longer possible to patch these
versions to support TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2.

It is also not likely that we'd set the update system to use
SSLv3 or TLSv1 (thanks to Heartbleed, Poodle, and whatever
else) and set to a lower cypher set.

   Version 2.1 to 2.23 gets a 'ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap' error.

   Version 2.0x gets a "Data transfer interupted" error.

   I haven't tested version 1.x.  or the Mozilla Suite.

So, I have come to the conclusion that it doesn't seem possible to
update 2.0 to the latest and greatest.

Here's a list of versions and their supported status:


   o Mozilla Suite, 1.x, 2.0x, <= 2.23  :  Not supported.
     [Related gecko versions: 1.8, 1.8.1, 1.9.1, <= 26

   o versions >= 2.24:   Supported
      [related gecko versions:  >= 27]

This is only considering versions as they are; Not the underlying
operating system support.

That's my update on the updates. [Probably going to be an update to
this update that updates on the update...etc... ad nauseum]
  We're nearly there.  I just need to make sure that the update process
won't update systems that *shouldn't* be updated.  i.e Updating 2.49.5
to 2.53 on a Winxp system or, in the case of Linux distros own compiled
versions, they also won't be updated. [Though I have been told
that Linux distros-own compiled versions won't query the update


Just one question to that: I have an ancient profile which I found on an unused machine and where I'd like to at least have access to the emails there. Would a modern Seamonkey be able to understand them; are the profile incompatibilities in the email handling, the browser side or in common parts such as password handling? "ancient" certainly means < 2.24 and it may even mean < 2.0.

spammo ergo sum, viruses courtesy of https://www.nsa.gov/malware/
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