Don Spam's Reckless Son wrote:
> Edmund Wong wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I hope all is well with everyone.
>> I've been spending a lot of time working on the update system.  When I
>> started this project some time ago,  I had just wanted to use the
>> old system and update (pun not intended)it.  Gave up that idea and went
>> for something else.
>> Now fast forward a few years to 2020 after working on this on-and-off.
>> With the release process still being half-manually generated (though
>> the process has gotten a bit faster), I figured I'd tackle this update
>> issue once and for all.
>> I had the intention of setting up the new system such that all versions
>> (2.0 to etc) can update properly.  After getting a simple
>> working prototype running, I realized that it's no longer possible to
>> even update anything <= 2.23.
>> Our update site uses TLSv1.1 or 1.2 (and a better set of cyphers) which
>> these versions don't support and it's no longer possible to patch these
>> versions to support TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2.
>> It is also not likely that we'd set the update system to use
>> SSLv3 or TLSv1 (thanks to Heartbleed, Poodle, and whatever
>> else) and set to a lower cypher set.
>> Errors:
>>    Version 2.1 to 2.23 gets a 'ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap' error.
>>    Version 2.0x gets a "Data transfer interupted" error.
>>    I haven't tested version 1.x.  or the Mozilla Suite.
>> So, I have come to the conclusion that it doesn't seem possible to
>> update 2.0 to the latest and greatest.
>> Here's a list of versions and their supported status:
>> Versions
>>    o Mozilla Suite, 1.x, 2.0x, <= 2.23  :  Not supported.
>>      [Related gecko versions: 1.8, 1.8.1, 1.9.1, <= 26
>>    o versions >= 2.24:   Supported
>>       [related gecko versions:  >= 27]
>> This is only considering versions as they are; Not the underlying
>> operating system support.
>> That's my update on the updates. [Probably going to be an update to
>> this update that updates on the update...etc... ad nauseum]
>>   We're nearly there.  I just need to make sure that the update process
>> won't update systems that *shouldn't* be updated.  i.e Updating 2.49.5
>> to 2.53 on a Winxp system or, in the case of Linux distros own compiled
>> versions, they also won't be updated. [Though I have been told
>> that Linux distros-own compiled versions won't query the update
>> server.]
>> Edmund
> Just one question to that: I have an ancient profile which I found on an
> unused machine and where I'd like to at least have access to the emails
> there.
> Would a modern Seamonkey be able to understand them; are the profile
> incompatibilities in the email handling, the browser side or in common
> parts such as password handling?  "ancient" certainly means < 2.24 and
> it may even mean < 2.0.

There will definitely be incompatabilities which could cause either
SeaMonkey to crash or the profile getting corrupted.   This would
definitely apply to anything < 2.0.

As for the differences, unfortunately, I don't know the inner
workings of the profile code to tell which part would work and
which part won't.

What I do know is that there was never an automatic upgrade
path from < 2.0 to 2.0.   It was always manual.

I think the best way is to backup the profile, and upgrade
SeaMonkey manually from < 2.0 to 2.0, then 2.0 to 2.1..etc
up until 2.24 (while backing up the profile as you go).

Again, I apologize for not being too specific or helpful.

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