On 12/7/20 5:34 PM, mozilla-lists.mbou...@spamgourmet.com wrote:
WaltS48 wrote:
On 12/7/20 2:43 PM, Gerry Hickman wrote:
Edmund Wong wrote:
Now fast forward a few years to 2020 after working on this on-and-off.
With the release process still being half-manually generated (though
the process has gotten a bit faster), I figured I'd tackle this update
issue once and for all.

The way it works on Linux distros is really much better than I remember on Windows where individual apps had their own updaters with their own schedules, installers, and admin rights. On Linux distros, you run a simple command and the whole o/s (and all apps) offer their updates.

The issue for Edmund is trying to ensure that, when SeaMonkey is built by a distro and installed via their package manager, SeaMonkey's built-in updater doesn't interfere with that.  The system package keeps track of files it installs, so that they can be removed as necessary when the package is updated or uninstalled.  If SeaMonkey installed an update through its own mechanism, that would be outside the control and knowledge of the system's package manager and could break future updates and uninstalls.
 > Some applications provide a build-time option to disable automatic
updates.  I don't know if SeaMonkey has such an option, but if it does the onus might be on the people building packages for distros to use that option to disable SeaMonkey's updates.  Not sure where that would leave Ubuntuzilla though, as I think they simply package the official builds, so probably wouldn't be compiled with that option.

The Firefox and Thunderbird builds built by Ubuntu have "--disable-updater" in the configure options.

Ubuntu doesn't provide SeaMonkey in its main repo anymore.

For SeaMonkey on Ubuntu (and its derivatives such as Mint), there's the Ubuntuzilla repository:

I'm not interested in adding any other repositories.

I have to download and install each new version over the old. An internal app update mechanism would be greatly appreciated.

Even if SeaMonkey's built-in updater did work, personally I'd still use Ubuntuzilla since I find it more convenient to manage updates through the system's package manager, along with everything else.

I'd rather use the SeaMonkey built-in updater since the system's package manager doesn't provide the application.

I actually prefer the Windows way of installing and updating the applications from their developers.

OS: Ubuntu Linux 18.04LTS - Gnome Desktop

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