>> Secret options are bad :)  I still seem to have
>> an un-needed 'temporary directory' setting -
>> which it warns me about on every startup.
> Can you expound on this one?

28-Oct-02 17:26:01 (freenet.node.Main, main): 
WORKAROUND: Ignoring obsolete fproxy.* lines in 
freenet.conf/ini. You can remove them.

>> Possibly unrelated, but what is the option to
>> allow arbitary clients to connect on the client
>> port or the web port - or is this incredibly
>> unsafe?
> In the windows client, the option is on the
> advanced page in the FCP access box. For
> mainport, there is no option in the config
> program yet.

Not sure I understood that.  All I see is a line 
where you can give a list of addresses which can 
connect.  'must include localhost' it says.  No 
(obvious) way to set up 'allow any'

>> Hmm.  If we have dyndns would this make routing
>> via dynamic IP a more sensible thing?  In which
>> case, might renaming transient mode to 'client
>> only' or something similar help?

Was wondering whether, if nodes have a dynamic DNS, 
it might become easier to contact them - less 
chance of sending requests to IP addresses which 
are no longer populated.

> Fproxy will tell you when higher build numbers
> are available.

So it does.

Can I ask where I find a changelog?  I don't need 
or want to stay on the cutting edge, not after what 
529 did to me.

> The problem with that is that sane settings vary
> widely. For example, at home I can upload at
> about 3 times what is safe for me to upload here,
> due to additional congestion, but I can download
> about twice as fast here as at home.

Sure, but if you ask 'cable or 56k modem?' and then 
set 128kbit or 32kbit respectively, you'd get a lot 
more sensible settings straight away and let the 
power users reconfigure it to cope with their own 

>> Also, on windows, offerring an option to set the
>> registry keys that frost advises (that set your
>> socket limits up for server working) might be a
>> good idea.

I'll try and find the freesite again (one problem 
with freenet, URIs are hardly memorable)

There is a problem when you try to run frost on 
windows 9x - and in general a problem with the 
default socket settings in freenet on win9x.  The 
symptom is winsock errors (or in frost: java.socket 
exception: out of buffer space) and it pretty much 
kills your network connection.

There are a couple of registry settings:  One to 
set your MTU and one to set the max number of 
sockets.  Autoconfiguring these may help.  (Though 
give a warning, since gamers especially tend to 
change those things)

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