On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 03:55:08AM -0700, miguel wrote:
> Hey there!  I have a 6+ gigabyte datastore(yeah, yeah, hold the praise.
> Thank you, thank you...) 

My 3 nodes (usually 1-2 of them are running) have DSs of:
storeSize=0.9G (second unstable node used for testing)
storeSize=19G (stable node)
storeSize=18G (unstable node)

But then I get paid for this... :)
I know that Iakin has 100GB+ stores on some of his nodes.

> What I can't figure is this...
> When I stop Freenet for whatever reason, and then restart it, it looks
> to me like it should load some of my previously acquired data and images
> etc. quickly, getting them from my own datastore.  Instead though, here
> we go again, tapping fingers on desk, going for coffee, taking a nap,
> going out for a movie, taking a vacation when, upon return, VOILA, I'm
> back to where I was before restarting Freenet.

What are you complaining about here? Is data being lost from the store
or are you just annoyed that it takes so long to restart the node?

> How can I force my system to look through my own datastore first 

It does. It's just that not everything that goes through your node is
cached. This is because your store is full, so we try to enhance routing
by "probabilistic caching". At some point we may implement a local-only
cache to supplant the datastore; this would disappear on restart for
security reasons.

> OR how
> can I force my system to put my stuff in my datastore and then go there
> to retrieve it before going out on a world cruise for more?  Anonymity
> issues?  What?  The stuff I have is all encrypted anyway.
> Please help me to force a local search/retrieve first.

Anonymity is more complex than "it's all encrypted anyway". We cannot
always cache locally requested data, while probabilistically caching
everything else, because then an attacker could tell what you've been
browsing. We could use a strict LRU for all data, however the
simulations suggest that probabilistic caching should improve routing
performance by reducing the routing dilution that happens as a result of
excessive caching. We DID try turning off pcaching for a while and it
didn't help performance.

Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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