Toad schrieb:

OUCH! Have you reseeded recently? In any case if you leave it running
for a day or so it should accumulate more... a reasonable number is 100+

I found that around 30 connections or normal and 60 connections is a really good number around 1 hour after restarting my stable node. If my node was down more then 2 days (this happens from time to time) I have to reseed or I would need more than 6 hours to get more than 20 connections to other nodes.

I think this is related to two things:

1. There are many stable nodes behind NATs or (personal) Firewalls that aren't
configured right, so they can't accept incoming connections.

2. In countries like here in germany you don't have fixed IPs and your internet
connection will get forcefully disconnected after something between 6 and 24
hours. So most of the nodes here change their IPs really often. AFAIK freenet
doesn't use ARKs anymore, and ppl concerned about their privacy aren't really
into using dyndns services. So if the node was down for a longer time most IPs
of the nodes in its routing table are no longer valid and it can't connect to
many other nodes. Additionally it's own IP might have changed, so the node won't
get many incoming connections eighter, because the other nodes don't know the
new IP of it.

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