On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 03:49:46PM +0200, Someone wrote:
> Toad schrieb:
> >OUCH! Have you reseeded recently? In any case if you leave it running
> >for a day or so it should accumulate more... a reasonable number is 100+
> >connections...
> I found that around 30 connections or normal and 60 connections is a really
> good number around 1 hour after restarting my stable node. If my node was
> down more then 2 days (this happens from time to time) I have to reseed or
> I would need more than 6 hours to get more than 20 connections to other 
> nodes.
> I think this is related to two things:
> 1. There are many stable nodes behind NATs or (personal) Firewalls that 
> aren't
> configured right, so they can't accept incoming connections.
> 2. In countries like here in germany you don't have fixed IPs and your 
> internet
> connection will get forcefully disconnected after something between 6 and 24
> hours. So most of the nodes here change their IPs really often. AFAIK 

SIX HOURS? Woah... my address gets changed at most once a month...

> freenet
> doesn't use ARKs anymore, and ppl concerned about their privacy aren't 
> really

Yeah, the network needs to work pretty well for ARKs to be useful, and
anyway they operate over too long a timescale normally. Thus I never
reimplemented them for unstable.

> into using dyndns services. So if the node was down for a longer time most 

Dyndns is mainly needed for nodes behind NATs. A solution has been
half-coded, will be completed eventually.

> IPs
> of the nodes in its routing table are no longer valid and it can't connect 
> to
> many other nodes. Additionally it's own IP might have changed, so the node 
> won't
> get many incoming connections eighter, because the other nodes don't know 
> the
> new IP of it.

Possibly. What's typical stats on stable?
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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