Matthew Toseland ha scritto:
On Sat, Aug 27, 2005 at 08:30:04PM +0000, Bob wrote:

Matthew Exon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bob wrote:

I'd recommend looking at Ubuntu (or
kUbuntu which uses KDE and is therefore a bit more windows-like), Fedora Core
and similar.

As far as Java goes, Ubuntu doesn't come with Java out of the box, although there are at least some fairly clear instructions for installing it:

Well no, but the last I heard no distros did apart from Sun's "Java desktop"
thing and Novell/Suse's enterprise edition, due to Sun's astonishingly stupid
redistribution policies. However recently that *finally* changed ("you may
redistribute either the JDK or Java 2 Runtime Environment with your software." so perhaps there are others now.

You could always redistribute it with an app... in a bundle. You
couldn't package it and distribute the package IIRC.

Isn't it an operative system a computer application???

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