Hi, thanks for your advice!  Maybe I should have mentioned that the
current version of the project does use Freenet for signalling and
storage, so we already enjoy these features from Freenet.  The harder
part will surely be dynamic or user-dependent content, along maybe
privacy-preserving statistics, so we may en up combining several tools.

Regarding content availability, we were more focused in replicated
content (as with Freenet), but we got a couple suggestions regarding
mesh networking.  That's a more ambitious solution, but we may give some
thought to it.

Thank you!

Freenet (2017-02-21 07:46:00 +0000) wrote:

> Ivan Vilata-i-Balaguer:
> > 
> >   1. Content is available under censorship conditions, ideally even
> >      after connection to the Internet has been completely cut for a
> >      whole region.
> Try http://project-byzantium.org/ for inspiration. Maybe also
> https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns. Freenet can use ShoeShop to move
> fblobs via sneakernet.
> >   2. Censored content is made available within a reasonable time.
> FLIP (Freenet's IRC) has RTT of about 45 seconds.
> >   3. Access to censored dynamic content (i.e. web apps) is possible.
> Userscripts can give JavaScript, but any Turing complete code will be an
> issue to secure.
> >   4. The system benefits from the user's participation, and is resistant
> >      to participants dropping off and to rogue nodes in the hands of the
> >      censor.
> Freenet does this.
> >   5. Users of the system are anonymous to someone observing their
> >      traffic, even if that someone is a participant in the system.
> Freenet mostly does this. Darknet protects against currently known attacks.
> >   6. Users' devices don't reveal the content that they or other users
> >      have accessed.
> Set up something like https://tails.boum.org/
> >   7. The system is amenable to privacy-preserving analytics to check its
> >      impact.
> There are a couple projects that monitor the state of Freenet.

Ivan Vilata i Balaguer
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