> Freenet has a thing called a 'datastore'. Every node (user) of Freenet 
> dedicates some

talking about the datastore, if Freenet hasn't modified its behaviour
lately I recall the every stored key is bound to disappear sooner or
later from all the datastores.

This is good when seen a wise usage of available space, and this is
similar to the way bittorrent works (unpopulated torrents eventually
are bound to disappear).

However this is an undesirable behaviour to those looking for rare stuff.

The reason for these ramblings is as follows. In a single week two of
my older HDs have started  showing signs of death. This is bad. I had
to buy bigger a fat new HD to backup the data.
Imagine what would happen if a big HD suddenly fails?

Personally I don't have the money to buy a tape streamer or to
completely mirror my data. Burning DVDs is not a viable option: DVD
are prone to fast deterioration as time passes, plus they are
remarkably small, compared to a modern Hard Disk.

Now, what would happen if key are never bound to expire in a freenet datastore?
Then you would have a permanent remote backup of your precious data.
A darknet could be made to work as a remarkable distributed and (not
so strongly) encrypted multiuser network backup system.
If I recall correctly, the datastore size determines when a key is
about to expire. Given that I'm willing to dedicate a full encrypted
HD as a datastore, I'd like to suggest the possibility of a Freenet
branch with the option to disable key expiration and to stop storing
keys when the datastore is full.

sorry for the dumb request..


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