On Friday 24 April 2009 17:46:09 freenetwork at web.de wrote:
> 1) CHK-keys are already long enough

Long enough to be a PITA if they are longer? Or long enough to be functional? 
I dispute the latter.

> 2) why add something that tries to fix something broken (routing?) or
> contradicts the concept (caching of keys around the key location; unused
> content gets dropped)

Routing is not broken. Data persistence is broken. The feedback I have had is 
that frequently the problem with fetching a file is the top block, which 
currently is not redundant. For example it might take 3 weeks at 0% to find 
the top block and then make relatively rapid progress after that. This is not 
your experience?
> if a) unwanted content is supposed to be dropped from the network to
> make space for fresh stuff and b) the top key is *needed* for *every*
> request of a ((larger) split-) file, how can the top key possibly fall
> off the network?

If the key is not requested, it could well fall off the network, *even though 
the rest of the file is still retrievable*. Because the rest of the file is 
redundant and the top block is not. We have very large datastores and 
generally very low input/output bandwidth, so I would expect data to persist 
for a long time in the current Freenet. Data that has not been recently 
requested will only be in the stores, and not in the caches. But since 
routing appears to work (and there is every theoretical reason to think it 
does), there is a good chance of finding the data - IF the 3 nodes which 
stored it to their datastores are online when you fetch and there aren't any 
problems contacting them (e.g. on darknet they might have swapped).
> IMHO I think this is making extra effort and adding
> YetJustAnotherKeyType for CreateAWorkaroundForSomethingDifferent for
> something that needs to be addressed elsewhere

I don't see much evidence there is a fundamental problem with routing in 0.7 
on opennet. Do you have any evidence for this? I would be very interested in 
any evidence that this is a routing rather than a redundancy problem.

Nodes' graphs usually show a fairly strong request specialisation, the main 
symptom is that 2-3 weeks after inserting data, it is not retrievable, if 
nobody has fetched it. And a lot of the time, that specifically relates to 
the top block. This proposal would solve the problem.
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