On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 9:43 PM, Andy Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> |> If you update your kernel by the packaging from inside the Freerunner it
> |> won't make this problem as it updates the modules at the same time (now,
> |> anyway, there were other problems with that method until recently).
> | Thanks. This seems to be the problem. I will reflash with DFU. I am not
> | clear though how to avoid the same situation when I come to upgrade the
> | phone again as I used opkg over ssh to upgrade and have not used dfu
> at all.
> For a day or two there the packaging didn't take care about bringing in
> the new module that was created.  Now it pulls in all the modules needed
> automatically: sorry for the inconvenience.
> - -Andy

Presumably, for those who have upgraded the kernel but don't have the
usb-net modules, they could be downloaded, or extracted and loaded
onto the sd and then installed.
Would save flashing.


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