Wonder if we have a sync issue somewhere.  I need to sit down and look at all the under the covers rules we install and see how many of them (if any) need to sync state - there's a small chance that could be sending this into interrupt hell.  I've seen pfsync feedback loops before, they aren't happy (I think OpenBSD 3.8 has some more fixes in regards to this stuff).


On 8/31/05, Scott Ullrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There was a bug in previous versions that would send the machine into
a interrupt storm due to a route bug.   Your on a later version than
this so I really dont know what to say here.


On 8/31/05, Rodolfo Vardelli < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Scott Ullrich ha scritto:
> sorry, I meant outbound load balancing
> regards
> Rodolfo
> >On 8/31/05, Rodolfo Vardelli < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Bill Marquette ha scritto:
> >>
> >>standard soekris 4801 + 2 lan
> >>traffic? in that moment zero
> >>
> >>and it happens only with carp+load balance with two boards
> >>
> >>
> >
> >When you say load balancing do you mean arp balancing?
> >
> >Scott
> >
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