Thanks again for the great info and prompt

----- Original Message -----

> As previously mentioned, you'll need a dev iso
and roll your own
> releng_1 install.

Not sure I have the where-with-all, but I'll
certainly attempt it ... are you are tlking about
building from scratch or from the CVS?

> right...we're only building releng_1_2 snaps
right now to make sure
> people don't get confused on what snapshot to

Understood ... BTW, the latest
1.2-BETA-1-TESTING-SNAPSHOT-06-06-2007 works GREAT

> It took me many many hours to backport that code
from HEAD - way to
> much has changed.  There's no simple "patch" for
this either as it had
> a few bugs when committed (probably still does,
working on that now).
> Build a releng_1 iso and install from there is
your best bet right
> now.
> --Bill

Again, I will attempt this ... not really sure
where to start but I am thinking that I will fire
up a FreeBSD VM and get started there .... are
there any docs/hints/FAQs on this process?

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