Tortise wrote:
>>> Buy hardware that's not faulty.  pfsense is *way* more robust than what it 
>>> seems to be for you.  what network interfaces do you
>>> have?   if other than broadcom or Intel, switch to Intel.
> In frustration I have purchased 2 new Intel Pro/1000GT NIC's.  They have 
> lasted almost 48 hours before the internal disconnection 
> between the LAN and WAN recurred yet again..... The state table is reported 
> as having showed 56 entries on index.php. Fixed by 
> rebooting.  Nothing else.  (Cheaper cards have lasted longer!)

we had a lot of problems with linux drivers and the intel giga nics
onboard our tyans; we turned off power management in the intel's eeprom.
maybe the same problem affects freebsd?

the script to fix it is here:

to use this fix on our pfsense box, I booted a linux rescue disk (suse
10.2 cd 1 as it happened) and downloaded and ran the script mentioned here:

this might or might not help... good luck!

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