On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 09:19:21PM +0200, Graham Beneke wrote:

> While I can appreciate that this is an issue of supply vs demand - I 
> would like to say that I think that it would be in the best interests of 
> the project to aim for at least an IPv6 capable beta release before the 
> end of this year.

That sounds like good advice (I'm not particular to that date). IPv6 support
on home and company LAN is already easy, but 6to4 tunnels across WAN is
what would make it worthwhile.

Also, even if started now the transition will take many years. Demand onset
might be so sudden that there will be a need to rush, which won't be in
the interest of anyone.
> The IPv4 doomsdayers will tell you that the crisis is coming in 2010 and 
> to be releasing betas only in 2009 could be too late.

suggests July 2010 to June 2011 -- mitigation strategies like ISP-wide NAT
and similiar not considered.
> I changed over to pfSense a few months back since it appeared to be the 
> firewall distro that was closest to being IPv6 ready and I hope that I 
> am not disappointed ;-)
> In the mean time I will try and get up to speed on the code base so that 
> I am able to assist with patches but that may take a while with my 
> current work load.

Alas, I can only assist with bug reports.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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