On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 9:02 AM, Simon Gerber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have the exact same problem.
> Updated yesterday to PFsense 1.2 (FreeBSD 6.3) based with the updated
> HAL driver but still have tons of "IN" errors.
> ALIX board (latest bios installed) using either CM9 or wlm54abg 200mW as
> wireless card with 2 antenna setup. Installed on Microdrive using
> embedded kernel but else "writable" setup.
> Played with sysctl settings to no avail.
> In errors stilll here after playing with the following paramters in
> almoast every combination:
> hw.ath.txbuf: 3000
> hw.ath.rxbuf: 6000
> dev.ath.0.txantenna: 2
> dev.ath.0.rxantenna: 2
> dev.ath.0.diversity: 0
> dev.ath.0.tpscale: 1
> dev.ath.0.tpc: 1
> There no real "better" settings situation from what I can tell, so I too
>  "blame" the problems on the driver or on a issue with the hardware.

It could also be interference, and potentially other things as well.
Run "athstats" at a command prompt or the command page and you may get
some helpful info. My trusty old pre-1.0 pfSense AP always shows tens
of thousands of errors on the ath interface but it works fine. It's
one of those things I want to look at closer eventually, but I don't
have any problems with it, so it hasn't been a priority.

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