Simon Gerber wrote:

ALIX board (latest bios installed) using either CM9 or wlm54abg 200mW as
wireless card with 2 antenna setup. Installed on Microdrive using
embedded kernel but else "writable" setup.

Played with sysctl settings to no avail.
In errors stilll here after playing with the following paramters in
almoast every combination:

hw.ath.txbuf: 3000
hw.ath.rxbuf: 6000
dev.ath.0.txantenna: 2
dev.ath.0.rxantenna: 2
dev.ath.0.diversity: 0
dev.ath.0.tpscale: 1
dev.ath.0.tpc: 1

For a two antenna setup, this seems to be wrong for me:

dev.ath.0.txantenna: 0,1,2 (antenna port 1 or 2, both=0)
dev.ath.0.rxantenna: 0,1,2 (antenna port 1 or 2, both=0)
dev.ath.0.diversity: 0,1 (0=disable 1=enable)


p.s bfh? de sälüü.. ;-)

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