Beat Siegenthaler wrote:
RB wrote:

This question comes back up every few months, and every time I wonder:
what is the justification case for IPv6?

Maybe it's the simple argument:
Jump on the Train!!!
Hype or not, IPv6 is coming. Let the "we get out of IP's" yells beside
this time.

It's like talk about that a cellular does not need a camera.
Or that cameras with more than 5Megapixels are never needed.
Or "640k are enough" Take it or leave it as Customer. But: Take it or
dissapear as Manufacturer.

I love pfSense!!

But I play around with IPv6 because I want to have a advance.

If there is suddenly a other project that has IPv6 and it is similar to
pfSense: Bye Bye faithfulness. Many good products made this way...

Last Point:

The energy we put in NAT, overlapping Networks, strange VPN's in legacy
v4 is enormous. Many of this Problems are inexistant with v6.
And a Firewall would  be again what it ever was:
A routing device were I can enforce who, what, when, why can talk to
some other Node....



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