On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 2:01 AM, BSD Wiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> going back a few weeks ago when i posted my issues getting to subaru.com.. i
> came across another site that i could not get to behind pfsense(cisco.com).
> i installed squid proxy and then i was able to get to subaru.com and
> cisco.com
> to refresh your memory, there are no rules blocking traffic on port 80, i'm
> on a cable modem, when on a shell on the firewall i can always telnet over
> port 80 to subaru.com but i cannot from my client machines. the client sends
> a syn but never receives the syn/ack from the firewall. however, the
> firewall does in fact get the syn/ack back from the webserver.
> finally to my question, what are you thoughts as to why the proxy being
> installed solved my issue?

Its simple as i said in a previous post problems might arise:
1- tcp mss
2- timestamps not handled correctly
3- sacks not handled propperly by the reciveing host
4- tcp options not correctly set by your host
Basically any part of a tcp header the pf checks for a state.

Now with squid that works cause the connection to the site is made
directly from pfSense which does know how to handle its own packets.

Mostly you seem to need more elaborate scrub rules for your hosts
which i suspect are having problmes with path mtu discovery(a guess).

> best,
> -phil
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