i really appreciate your willingness to help me resolve this issue.

i just found the culprit. it is the wireless access point that these machines are connecting to. it's netgear wpn824(rangemax). when i plug directly into the router or another switch on my network i can access the sites with no problems.


On Oct 9, 2008, at 8:03 PM, Chris Buechler wrote:

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 8:44 PM, BSD Wiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
so your telling me that 3 hosts machines on my network running mac OS 10.4
and 10.5 tcp/ip stack is messed up?

That would appear to be the case, yes. You have to have some sort of
non-default settings on those hosts, most of our developers are Mac
users and would have run into this long ago.

If you can send me some capture files I'll take a look at what's
happening on the wire. I'll need one for your inside interface and one
for outside. Open two SSH sessions and run:

tcpdump -ni fxp0 -s 0 -w /tmp/wan.pcap host

replacing fxp0 with your real WAN interface, and with the
public IP of the website you're having issues reaching. cisco.com is
probably a better one as it has a 1 day TTL and subaru.com has a 5
minute TTL, at least on the responses I'm getting. Hence there's a
chance subaru.com will resolve to a different IP at some point during
the capture where as cisco.com won't.

second tcpdump is the same as above, substituting fxp0 with your LAN
interface, and call that file lan.pcap.

Then try to access the site from a couple problem machines about 5
times or so, waiting about 30 seconds between. When done, ctrl-c on
both the tcpdumps.

Then download both those files on the Diagnostics -> Command page and
email to me offlist.

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