On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 4:47 AM, Caroline
Stekke<caroline.ste...@univ-rennes1.fr> wrote:
> Hi !
> I have installed PfSense on two servers DELL. I have on this servers a
> network card of 4 ports GBE. I have a problem with this card, because
> FreeBSD or PfSense, I don't know where is the problem can't recognize this
> ports. So my servers don't have ports.
> This is my network card configuration :    dual embedded broadcom 5709 4
> ports GBE
> I have learnt on a forum, that I have to install a driver bge? But, in
> FreeBSD it's not really easy to install.
> So, I just want to know if you have already meet this problem ? And of
> course, if you have perhaps a solution for me.

If it's a newer card it may only be supported in 1.2.3-RC1 (FreeBSD
7.1), or possibly only in FreeBSD 7.2, which you can find in 1.2.3
snapshots at http://snapshots.pfsense.org

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