Ståle Johnsen wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to monitor in / out bandwidth in bits on wan interface but
> are having some problems finding the right SNMP oid.
> I found this one: but the OID
> i'm trying doesn't return anything.
> Does anyone have any better suggestions for bandwidth monitoring on
> pfsense from an nagios server?

I use Cacti to monitor mine, and it polled the pfSense box when I setup
the graphs and listed all the interfaces, and I just chose them from there.

If you need to find the actual OID, you may have to do something like:

snmpwalk -v 2c -c <yourcommunity> <pfsense ip> mib-2.interfaces

And then use the resulting OIDs to see what you want (You can also use
-On to find the numeric OIDs instead of their textual counterparts)

IIRC, depending on the system, the "wan" interface will almost never be
the same due to various ways the interfaces are detected by the system.
You'll have to look in that snmpwalk output, find the interface name
which corresponds to your WAN interface, and then use the traffic
counters for that interface index number. For example, my WAN would show
up like:

IF-MIB::ifDescr.8 = STRING: vlan0

So then the various counters that end in .8 would be for that interface.
(IF-MIB::ifInOctets.8, IF-MIB::ifOutOctets.8, etc)


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