Hi, This plugin looks perfect for what i'm looking for. Can you point me to it 
and paste which OID's you are using? 

Thank you in advance. 

Stale Johnsen 

----- Original Message ----- 
Fra: iggd...@gmail.com 
Til: support@pfsense.com 
Sendt: 29. september 2009 16:10:51 
Emne: Re: [pfSense Support] SNMP oid's for bandwidth 

to measure bandwidth used I use a script that checks the difference between 
bytes passed from poll A to poll B. I can point you to the plugin I use if 
you'd like. gives results like: 

vr0:UP (131.0KBps/8.0KBps) 

and I get alarms in my email when I pass too much traffic like you'd expect: 

***** Nagios ***** 

Notification Type: PROBLEM 

Service: Interface Status - vr0 
Host: pipboy 

Date/Time: Tue Sept 29 08:02:33 EDT 2009 

Additional Info: 

vr0:UP (WARN 1490.2KBps/56.2KBps) 

The OID it uses is just off the IF-MIB if I remember right. and most devices 
regardless of OS tend to respond to polls on the . trees, especially 
. and . , the first of which is the one you're 
looking for for interface information. 

2009/9/29 Ståle Johnsen < stale.john...@smartit.no > 

I'm trying to monitor in / out bandwidth in bits on wan interface but are 
having some problems finding the right SNMP oid. 

I found this one: http://cvstrac.pfsense.com/tktview?tn=257 but the OID i'm 
trying doesn't return anything. 

Does anyone have any better suggestions for bandwidth monitoring on pfsense 
from an nagios server? 


Stale Johnsen 

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