Simon Thomson wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Pingle [] Sent: Tuesday, 15 December 2009 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [pfSense Support] Re: NanoBSD on WRAP

On 12/15/2009 6:31 AM, Rainer Duffner wrote:
Ugo Bellavance schrieb:
I like this answer, and there are really 2 facts that are highlighted

- Users will always complain
- The better your product and product history, the less users will
read the warnings.  PfSense has always had a good record to me, so I
don't read the upgrade document at each upgrade.

I'll wait for the image, Chris, and I don't mind the few weeks of
wait, but I think that maybe uploading a (or a set of) README files on
the mirror would help... I would personnally be very tempted to read a
README file while it is downloading, especially if it has "WRAP" in
its name.

That might help, but it is mentioned in the Upgrade Guide, and a couple
places on the Doc Wiki. I thought it was mentioned in the release
announcement, but I may have been thinking about one of the -RC version

I upgraded my ALIX yesterday to 1.2.3-RELEASE and found out I need the
BIOS-update (I switched from 128M embedded to 4GB version, too). Turns
out that the image for the BIOS-update provided on the page
doesn't work (maybe it's for a different ALIX, I have an ALIX2-series
Of course, I only found out about this after I had wiped my working
pfSense installation with the BIOS-update image (and no old image
available, and no internet-access anymore).

Luckily, I was able to tether my iMac with my on-call iPhone (the
personal iPhone doesn't have 3G reception at home....) and download the
required files from the pcengines website and finally run 1.2.3 - after
a couple of wasted hours.

So much for "a ready-made image makes it easier for everybody"....

Which model ALIX do you have? It says on the page that there are some
excluded models, usually it's the ones with VGA that require a different
BIOS. Did the image not boot at all? Or what did it do?


I have run into this issue also, although I am still in the planning stage of 
an upgrade.
We are running pfsense 1.2.2 on an Alix2c3 board.
I know I need to upgrade the bios prior to installing pfsense 1.2.3-RELEASE but 
everywhere I look for an updated bios this model is expressly excluded.


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I have several Alix2c3 boards that I purchased up from

I upgraded the bios to 0.99h as per the instructions here:

Now happily running the 4 gig Nano version of 1.2.3



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