Something happened in BETA5 and it was carried into RC1, up to today
snapshot: 20110306-0859.

The file system in nanobsd version is now mounted fully RW, see the
following "mount" command:
[2.0-RC1][admin@pfHacom.localdomain]/root(1): mount
/dev/ufs/pfsense0 on / (ufs, local)

devfs on /dev (devfs, local)

/dev/md0 on /tmp (ufs, local)

/dev/md1 on /var (ufs, local)

/dev/ufs/cf on /cf (ufs, local)

devfs on /var/dhcpd/dev (devfs, local)

I believe they are supposed to be mounted read-only or at least RW with

We have had at least two systems running pfSense 2.0 BETA5 and RC1 RMAed
back with suspected hardware problems, causing corruption of compact flash
memory. We think the "root" cause of this problem is due to the filesystems
mounted fully RW in the compact flash.

We plan to distribute the following temporary fix to our custmers who want
to run pfSense 2.0:
[2.0-RC1][admin@pfHacom.localdomain]/root(1): cat

# - BCH 3/6/2011

#   Temprorary fix to mount the filesystem Read-Only to avoid destroying
flash memory

PLATFORM=`/bin/cat /etc/platform`

if [ "$PLATFORM" = "nanobsd" ]; then

        /sbin/mount -u -oro /; /sbin/mount -u -onoatime /cf



Appreciate if someone look into this problem.

I have also CCed this message to to notify others
currently using pfSense 2.0 RC1 nanobsd version of the danger to flash

Best Regards.
Bao C. Ha
Hacom - Embedded Systems and Appliances
voice: (714) 564-9932

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