On 06-09-2016 04:04, Shlomi Fish wrote:
I disagree. "Sod off" means that the pidgin devs are not interested in this
functionality and that it won't be supported or accepted. "Patches welcome"
implies that this functionality is desirable, but not a high priority to the
core developers, but who may still support making it a part of pidgin.

Shlomi, when I started sending out the "suggestion for discussion" emails I 
stated that the intent was to solicit opinions and discussion on the merits of the ideas.

I am not familiar with the vernacular, so I'll trust your interpretation.

The Pidgin project does not have infinite resources and cannot implement all
the features that people want. One option for you would be to set up a bounty
or a kickstarter/indiegogo/etc. campaign or whatever for that.

Or maybe even trying to write a plugin.

Unfortunately Pidgin development seems to be very Windows unfriendly.  But 
that's a topic for another discussion.

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