Le 10-11-21 16:20, Daniel Courville a écrit :

>the test revealed the the W output is going bad: at least 20 dB
>down in output compared to what it should be. So I decided the use
>the stereo output for the W by setting it to omni pattern and 0 degree
>width in L/R mode.
>Connecting to the Left/Mid output, the signal had the right amplitude, but
>there was some ground-buzz noise it the signal. The Right/Side output is
>free from the noise, so I'll use that one.
>Close visual inspection of some impulsive waveforms revealed that the
>"new" W polarity is inverted compared to XYZ.

I made a small test recording yesterday morning for those intrigued by the
ST350 problems:

<http://www.radio.uqam.ca/ambisonic/audio/test_st350_pt.zip> Pro Tools
session, 205 MB

<http://www.radio.uqam.ca/ambisonic/audio/test_st350_split_flac.zip> split
files, 119 MB
<http://www.radio.uqam.ca/ambisonic/audio/test_st350.flac> interleaved,
118 MB

Six channels, B-Format plus L/R.

- Daniel

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