Hi Gus,

of course you can do what you suggest, but, speaking practically,
ambisonic recording, encoding and decoding makes it possible to,
for instance, go out into the field with one microphone, and record in
(only) four channels. Later, depending on the situation, I can decide
whether to listen in stereo, quad, with six or eight speakers or whatever
I like if I use the particular decoding process.  And it sounds great.

Another thing, some of the decoding strategies are neither elaborate or
expensive. I have a simple 4 channel ambi decoder programmed into the
built- in mixer of my computer's sound card. I just choose the preset, play
the 4 channel B-format file and it decodes it for me. There are also
plenty of free or shareware vst and au plug ins to do the same thing.

It's really not all that difficult if you ignore all the maths talk. Those guys on the list are doing that so that the rest of us don't need to ;-) (thanks guys)

best wishes, Justin.

From: Augustine Leudar <gustar...@gmail.com>
Subject: [Sursound] Why do you need to decode ambisonic/b format
        signals ?

Im sure Im missing something obvious here but humour me. With a stereo
signal I can just place two speakers in a line and have my stereo signal send two discrete channels to each speakers, each channel representiong one
channel of my stereo microphone. The same with quadrophonic (with no
matrixing nonsense) - four mics go to four speakers placed in a square - works fine, tried it hundreds of times, no decfoding involved. Why cant you do the same for 3 dimensianal sounds ? Four mics surround sending discrete channels to four spekers placed in a square and one for height information going to a mic above your head - this should naturally represent the sound field without any decoding , Ive done this and it has been quite effective
- so why the need for elaborate and expensive decoding ?

Justin Bennett

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