On 21/09/2011 17:11, Marc Lavallée wrote:

"Information wants to be free" is a 40 years old aphorism, not a scientific
statement, and it does not come from the free software movement. Its author
said later: "Information Wants To Be Free. Information also wants to be

More like 27 years. See:


So, two anthropomorphic statements, which form an opposition or an extended oxymoron. Perhaps a bit like "money wants to be free".

According to that page, Stallman reformulated it to use the phrase "generally useful information" together with the inevitable "should" - without indicating who or what decides what qualifies as "generally useful". Presumably the same disinterested people (anyone other than the author, in fact) who decide whether to 'agree' I own something, or not, as the case may be.

Richard Dobson

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