Well, what a whole load of freely given information my original posting 
provoked! :-[


PS. A final (please) thought "Money is a sign of poverty" (in case I get accused of IP theft, this is a "Culture" quote from Iain M. Banks)

 These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
/* Dave Malham   http://music.york.ac.uk/staff/research/dave-malham/ */
/* Music Research Centre                                             */
/* Department of Music    "http://music.york.ac.uk/";                       */
/* The University of York  Phone 01904 432448                        */
/* Heslington              Fax   01904 432450                        */
/* York YO10 5DD                                                     */
/* UK                   'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'   */
/*                    "http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/mustech/3d_audio/"; */

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