1989 was when Steve Jagger, Ken Farrar and some of the other original 
Calrec mob bought the company back from AMS.  They left the Soundfield with 

AMS had problems making the mike consistently.

When Soundfield Research took over, they dug Lynne out of retirement.  She 
used to make the Soundfield capsules for me.  Though no longer a Yorkshire 
virgin, she brought at least the capsule production back to its former, 
Calrec, standard.

When she decided to retire for good, Soundfield Research transferred the 
production jigs to MBHO.  This happened quite recently; 2006?

MBHO do a decent job with the capsules but final assembly & test is still 
done in Wakefield.  MBHO capsules are the only ones with gold flashed mylar 
diaphragms.  Apart from that, the capsule is exactly as I left it circa 
1983 warts & all.

The SP200 uses a MBHO subcardioid capsule.

Info via YorkshireLeaks ..

Why do you ask, Daniel?

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