Hi Fons

On 31/05/2012 14:42, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
I did a small experiment a few weeks ago, and was quite surprised by the result. In a concert we did at the CdS there were three pieces for solo flute and 'tape'. We got the 'tapes' as CDs of course. The artistic director of the festival asked me if I could somehow 'spatialize' the tapes instead of just playing them via two speakers. There wasn't much time to do anything fancy, so I created six filters, one for each of X,Y,U,V,P,Q which would distribute a mono source in function of frequency, with one full cycle in azimuth for each octave. In fact I made two sets, one going clockwise and the second in the opposite sense. The tapes were all electronic noises, nothing you could recognise as a natural sound, and it worked quite well. Afterwards I took the filter set to the studio at the CdM which also has 3rd order monitoring, and used it on some non-electronic music recordings. Of course this produces quite unnatural effects, sounds which you know as from a single source are split in direction (but 2nd and 4th harmonic would coincide with the fundamental). Each of the speaker signals separately is extremely coloured, and when you solo them in the right order you get the 'infinitely ascending pitch' effect. What surprised me is that nobody could associate pitch and speakers. I somehow expected it would be obvious that e.g. all 'C' notes would come from the same direction, and that one would be able to identify the pitch of each speaker when listening to the complete signal. But that was not the case, and you had to go quite close to any speaker in order to notice there was something strange with the sound it produced.

That's interesting - it kind of chimes with some experiments I have been doing recently with digital recreations of Gerzon's spreaders, which used phase shift based processing. Although technically they are doing what is described in MAG's original hand written reports, the way they sound doesn't really correspond very closely to description of how they should sound in the same report. Whilst a broadband sound processed through one of my pluggins (imaginatively named 'mgspreadpan') does lose the sense of being a point source as you turn the spread up, there's no clear feeling that sounds of particular frequencies are coming from a particular direction. Have you compared the results of having separate X,Y,U,V,P,Q filters to generate the "panning" (which is how I interpret what you say above) with pre-filtering the sounds then panning the filter outputs?

PS - I gather you guys in Parma might be getting pretty shaken up by the
earthquakes in Northern Italy - hope all is well there.
Here in Parma there's no major damage so far, but in the region
just NE of Modena (60..70 km from here) it's dire misery. 16 people
died on monday, mostly employees who were just resuming work a week
after the first shock. And very probably it's not finished, there are
lots of small tremors all day and night, and some more big ones can
be expected.

Glad to hear that you are ok and hope that it stays that way,

          All the best

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