On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 02:32:06PM +0100, Augustine Leudar wrote:

> another question is -  is our auditory system able to take account of
> the curvature of a wavefront to estimate the distance of a source or
> does it only use other cues such as the spektral content of the sound
> etc etc

A stationary listener will only sense the curvature if the source is quite
near, less than half a meter or so, depending on the spectral content. For
larger distances a moving listener can detect the curvature, but only
indirectlty as the apparent direction of the source changes.

Also note that 2-D WFS systems are optimized for a particular speaker line
to listener distance, it's not possible to get exact wave synthesis every-
where (it is possible for 3-D systems). And anyway the things will not work
correctly if you are too close, less than 5 times the distance between
the speakers or so.


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