Even with expensive speakers, if you are too close to the array the closest speaker will be louder than those further away as it no longer approximates at plane wave source, so will always tend to "pop out" at you.


On 12/09/2012 14:58, jim moses wrote:
i've heard similar results, especially when close to the array, from some
inexpensive speakers we used for experiments. to do better, look for
speakers with wide and smoothly dispersed HF response and avoid horn driven
PA sort of speakers. Of course, easier said than done when you need 16 or
more speakers - but if that's the problem, you can at least account for it
and continue working.


On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Augustine Leudar <augustineleu...@gmail.com
hmm that might be it - they are not the best speakers in the world !
the effect is not noticable if you stand more than a metre or two away
from the array - thats why I thought it might be to do with

On 12/09/2012, jim moses <jmo...@brown.edu> wrote:
the effect described could be an artifact of the speakers being used. if
the speakers have have a high frequency bump at 0 degrees on axis, as
do, you can get the sensation described where each speaker sort of pops
of the array as you move in front of it.


On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 9:07 AM, Fons Adriaensen

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 01:17:23PM +0100, Augustine Leudar wrote:

This is a question for those with knowledge of WFS. One of the
properties of plane waves propagated with a single line array on a
Wavefield synthesis system is that as you walk down the array the
sound "follows" you appearing to emanate from the nearest loudspeaker
. I was wondering if this was due to the precedence effect alone or if
something else was going on as well ?
It will be the nearest speaker only if the direction of the source
is orthogonal to the line array.

What goes on is that the waves produced by the secondary sources
(speakers) combine into a wave as would be produced by a real
source in a particular direction and at a large distance. At
least within the bandwidth which does not produce spatial aliasing,
your ears/brain have no information at all to identify the speakers
as separate sources, so there is no precedence effect involved.



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Jim Moses
Technical Director/Lecturer
Brown University Music Department and M.E.M.E. (Multimedia and Electronic
Music Experiments)
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