> I would be quite surprised, particularly on the A/D end. Although the
> differences between converters may be getting subtler nowadays, I have come
> across a few online blind listening tests and measurements prepared by
> users, which differ significantly from you actually get at home. Note that
> there are people reporting different results on that thread. OTOH, it is up
> to you to decide if your application does not require this level of
> refinement.

Lots of people quite surprised/horrified .  Differing yes - but if you look
at the result 80% of people voted for the Behringers - and this is one of
the largest communities of sound engineers on the web who would have been
listening on their own equipment at home/studio - sure a couple of people
who believe they have "golden ears" differed - but most artists are looking
to impress 80% of their listeners not 20 % - "better" is a very subjective
term..... I have used them myself and they sound fine  - I believe game of
life use them as well for their WFS setup with no complaints and many
engineers now grudgingly admit that Behringer have made something that
isn't total crap. From what I have read they basically ripped off one of
RME products - copied it capacitor for capacitor and left out the bells and
whistles - I haven't used the A/D side though - but I don't need that.
Having said that if Focusrite provide a similar priced solution I will snap
it up.

> I will take a closer look at Andiamos stuff - however each RME madi
> 64 channels - so anything it connects to has to have at least 64 outs -

Why? you can easily bridge two units to get the 64 channels.

Because there's only 3 madi outputs on each RME card - if you can bridge
the device that counts as 64 channels in my book and that would be  fine.
Will definitely be taking a closer look at them.

> would you mind posting the link again? The focusrite line of rednet to
analog converters I find go for ca 200 euros / channel (x256 =  ca 51000?)


If that doesn't work google "rednet 5" then click on shopping - apparently
has 32 outputs (=;


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