On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 9:00 PM, Stefan Schreiber <st...@mail.telepac.pt> wrote:
> Dear colleagues...
> I would like to remember everybody interested or already being involved that
> ITU/MPEG plan to define and issue some 3D audio standard (better: 3D audio
> standard framework) during this year. The 3D audio codec is meant to be part
> of the (wider) MPEG-H standard.

Will the working group be creating a preference for a royalty free
format— or will is be the normal RAND terms?

Excessive patent encumbrances appears to be one of the things which
originally blocked the deployment of B-format— and I don't see the
situation as being any different today.  Getting people deploy the
hardware for good surround is enough of a barrier without the added
cost of per-unit pricing and the resulting incompatibilities created
by a failure to converge on a single standard.

I strongly encourage anyone here looking to contribute to such a
standards effort to decline to participate unless some effort is made
to produce a result which is royalty free.
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