Gregory Maxwell wrote:

On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 9:00 PM, Stefan Schreiber <> wrote:
Dear colleagues...

I would like to remember everybody interested or already being involved that
ITU/MPEG plan to define and issue some 3D audio standard (better: 3D audio
standard framework) during this year. The 3D audio codec is meant to be part
of the (wider) MPEG-H standard.

Will the working group be creating a preference for a royalty free
format— or will is be the normal RAND terms?

Excessive patent encumbrances appears to be one of the things which
originally blocked the deployment of B-format— and I don't see the
situation as being any different today.  Getting people deploy the
hardware for good surround is enough of a barrier without the added
cost of per-unit pricing and the resulting incompatibilities created
by a failure to converge on a single standard.

I strongly encourage anyone here looking to contribute to such a
standards effort to decline to participate unless some effort is made
to produce a result which is royalty free.
Sursound mailing list

The MPEG works always on RAND terms. Think of AAC, MP3, evrything ...

Excessive patent encumbrances appears to be one of the things which
originally blocked the deployment of B-format— and I don't see the
situation as being any different today.

This is a typical FUD approach presentend by the competition.

If I have anything to say about, I'd say that any Ambisonis based approach would be "patent-light", iof not patent-free.

This is a non-issue, I would say.

But it would be nice to know that Orange and FT don't want to include too much own IP into the new standard... :-)


Stefan Schreiber

P.S.: 1st order Ambisonics should be patent-free, nowadays.

Higher orders can't be "overpatented", because the theory behind is quite old. Certainly more than 20 years back...

P.S. 2: And I for my part didn't patent "Ambisonics of order >=2 + front channels"... Promised! :-D

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