Tony wrote:
Are you thinking of the arrangement that one of the audiophile record
companies use? Near coincident fig 8's plus an omni pointing in.

No. I am writing an article about an un-orthodox stereo recording setup,
"common acoustical point". Two cardioids with a reasonably long spacing,
pointing towards a single source, so that the on axis directions cross.

The setup works and has some advantages compared to mono miking and
it works well with single instruments and in a reasonably anechoic recording
space. But as you see, it isn't a stereo recording setup as such. It's more
like a twin mono miking setup. You need to be careful not to create comb

The setup reminded me of a discussion of a similar type surround recording
setup. Four or several mics on a circle around the source would capture a
LOT more time and phase differences between the channels than a stereo

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