
Not come across that one!  I often use ORTF stereo set-ups, especially if I
don't want the pin point accuracy of Blumhein.  I'd be interested if you do
turn up a reference.  I've used the Faulkner array of spaced figure of
eights with some success.  I did read that he'd more recently added further
mics - I can't remember/find the ref. now - maybe it was in "Resolution"
magazine.  I thought I'd kept the article, but I can/t find it in my file,
and there doesn't seem to be anything on the web.  Maybe that's what you're
thinking of?

Every Blessing


> -----Original Message-----
> From: sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu [mailto:sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu]
> Behalf Of Eero Aro
> Sent: 02 March 2013 17:17
> To: sursound@music.vt.edu
> Subject: Re: [Sursound] Looking for a very, very old thread - mics
> inwards?
> Tony wrote:
> > Are you thinking of the arrangement that one of the audiophile record
> > companies use? Near coincident fig 8's plus an omni pointing in.
> No. I am writing an article about an un-orthodox stereo recording setup,
> "common acoustical point". Two cardioids with a reasonably long spacing,
> pointing towards a single source, so that the on axis directions cross.

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