Actually take my crack back--you can read it
for free. You just cannot download it for free
(exotic yes? Tree in forest etc)
Have fun , if you like it!

On Sat, 27 Apr 2013, Robert Greene wrote:

Sorry--turns out that that link lets
you read the whole thing(as opposed to the
first page) only if you are a Jstor subscriber.
(Eventually the academic world will
figure out that all information ought
to be public access--but not yet apparently)_
Anyone who finds the first page interesting
can write to me directly and I shall email
them a copy(or you can find the Math Monthly in
university libraries).
All the best

On Sat, 27 Apr 2013, Robert Greene wrote:

Indeed(to SS's message) And real analytic systems
do not exist in the real world. Unless you believe
in complete pre-destination in the religious sense,
that God planned everything infinitely long ago
and arranged that things were then what they would
have to be so that their analytic continuation to the
present would be exactly as the world  is now and on and on into
the future.... seriously, this is not happening.

Real analytic functions are a favorite of mine
(I wrote a paper once for the American Math Monthly
to publicize the Morrey-Grauert Theorem, which is
absolutely one of my favorite results in mathematics.
You can read it here
(free of charge)
if you care to.

But in the real world, real analyticity is not happening!
In spite of its name, it is not real at all in the sense
of being a model of the real world under any circumstances whatever!

Only an approximation,and one assumes anything to the contrary
to one's peril.


PS This is particularly hazardous about musical matters...
no sane person thinks that knowing exactly what the
sound in the auditorium is for five minutes before
the Beethoven 9th tells you what the Beethoven 9th
performance will be--or even when it will start!
Real analyticity is wonderful stuff but it is absolutely
totally misleading about physical phenomena.
I suppose this is obvious but I thought I would
mention it anyway. (Incidentally this kind of
stuff is why the Morrey Grauert Theorem is so
hard to prove!)

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