Hector Centeno wrote:

Hello all,

I just wanted to share with this list information about two Android
apps I've been working on and that I will release soon. I made them
because I thought it would be great to be able to listen to ambisonic
recordings in a portable way without the need of a full size computer.

The first app is called AmbiExplorer and it's a first order decoder to
stereo, with the option of choosing binaural or virtual microphones.
You can peform soundfield rotation and microphone polar patten
selection. It will also work with the device's orientation sensors so
you could attach your device to headphones and have head-tracked
binaural listening.

The second app is called TetraFile and it's a port of the offline
command line utility part of Fons'  TetraProc. I made this so I could
connect my portable recorder (in card reader mode) directly to my
phone via USB OTG, transfer the A-format files and do a conversion to
B-format and listen using AmbiExplorer. It will read your tetrafile
calibration files from your phone's storage.

More info and a video demo are available here: http://hcenteno.net/software.html

Any comments are welcome.


Hector Centeno

Thanks again for your apps, which seem to be a < first > in this area.

The first app is called AmbiExplorer and it's a first order decoder to
stereo, with the option of choosing binaural or virtual microphones.
You can peform soundfield rotation and microphone polar patten
selection. It will also work with the device's orientation sensors so
you could attach your device to headphones and have head-tracked
binaural listening.

As you have seen, the latter could become the basis for some real-world product. (A small motion and orientation tracking device, which you could fix to your headphones, glasses or whereever. For the air interface, the best is if somebody sets a first standard for the data format(s). If not, every such device needs its own software on different platforms. This might not be "that" important in the beginning, but maybe later.)

Well done!


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