I had a look, but I have a few problems..
I don't seem able to play 1a.
The test is not blind as the curious, like me, can see the file names in the source.
The Longcat eg.1b is the clear winner.
I cannot force myself to listen to that much filtered noise - it seems pointless and unpleasant!

I have converted one of your files from Soundcloud to binaural (2x2 convolution with my Dummy head IRs):


On 07/01/2014 14:08, Paul Dirks wrote:
Dear All

I see the most interesting things passing by in this mailing list.
This made me decided to do my thesis about binaural localization.
I have made two experiments to test three different binaural panners and the accuracy of the localization.

1.     New Audio Technology, Spatial Audio Designer
2.     Longcat, H3D Binauralizer
3.     Encoder: Daniel Courville, Solo2b2
    Decoder: Harpex Ltd, Harpex-b

It would really help me if some of you would have 15min for this experiment for the links below. In the first one i ask the rate in the localization is good/bad in the second one i aks the fill in
were the sound is percieved.

http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1489998/Binaural-Localization-Experiment-1 (10 min) http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1488686/Binaural-Localization-Experiment-2 (15 min)

All thanks for your time and you will see hear more from me in the mailing list
Because we all same a nice and interesting subject.

With Kind Regards, Paul Dirks

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