I had a similar problem with the BBC's efforts: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/radio3/2011/12/the-festival-of-nine-lessons-and-carols-in-surround-sound.shtml

In that case I could not dowload them and switch quickly between versions. All that I could usefully say is that they all sounded bad, and I could not determine which was worst! A bit like voting in an election..

I have a problem with band-filtered noise. I don't think it tell you anything very useful, as the results are only applicable to band-filtered noise, and often anechoic HRTFS are used too, this means it has zero relevance in everyday situations. Science! What can you do with it!

I liked your voice, music and recording, although I am not a great Cash fan!

On 08/01/2014 16:45, Paul Dirks wrote:
Hey David

Thanks for your time. The survey loads some files very slow this is why the were not present.
Not sure if Longcat is going to win, Harpex seems to do is the best
When i listend i thought New Audio was the best.
It's idd unpleasant next time i will take some other samples.

and thanks for the file.

gr Paul

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