>      (Bo-Erik Sandholm)
>As I in the last year have had an interest in listening to tetramic FOA
>recordings over head phones with head tracking, and in that context been
>thinking of listening to other recordings with head tracking I want to
>> To me this demo is really cool since the auditory objects are nicely
>>externalized, even in the field of vision.
>I think the formulation should be: The auditory objects are in vision and
>therefore  nicely externalized, in addition the sound scape is fixed when
>the head direction is changed.

Hmm, I meant that they are nicely externalized in all head-related
directions. You know, with some binaural systems it is hard to get
auditory objects externalized in field of vision, they tend to jump inside
the head, although they are nicely out-of-head in sides and back of the
listener. In this case no externalized auditory objects exist.

Perhaps even bigger advantage of having both head-tracked video and audio
available is that you seem to adapt to the HRTFs used in DirAC rendering
very fast. After listening only a few seconds to the recording with moving
the head at the same time leads to plausible perception of the
reproduction. Even in the case that when you look down or up, the auditory
objects stay in directions constant with the world outside.

>Any chance of you sharing the Demo3 files and  a way of viewing /
>listening to the demo3 to us not having the  opportunity to participate
>in the AES conferences or travelling to Helsingfors/Helsinki?
>Have you considered releasing at demo version of your DirAC software for
>head tracking?

Sorry, not currently any change to share the demo. We are hoping to share
DirAC software, at least with some cases in future.

You are welcome to visit Helsinki, we have also some other cool demos.. :-)

>I do not have an oculus rift but I and a few of us on this list can
>listen to head tracked ambisonics, and the video part can possibly be
>viewed in web based vr viewers.
>Just for my curiosity, have you joined the video and sound in to a mkv or
>ogg format?

They are not joined at all, the player inputs separate spherical video and
B-format audio files.



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