Hi All

I am wondering how I go about converting a recording made with a 16 microphone 
array into B format?

I have downloaded the 16 channel recordings of noise from the DEMAND: Diverse 
Environment Multichannel Acoustic Noise Database and would like to play them 
back through an ambisonics rig.

The recordings were made using a "microphone array of 16 microphones arranged 
in 4 staggered rows, spaced such there is a 5 cm distance form each microphone 
to its immediate neighbors. The array is in a plane which in all recordings is 
parallel to the ground."

The authors include a "MATLAB script which creates a 16 x 2 MATLAB array with 
the xy coordinates (in meters) of each channel microphone relative to the 
microphone of channel 1."

I don't have MATLAB, but I'm assuming that somehow I can still use the 
positional information from the array, but I confess I don't know what the 
process is or what software is required.

Any guidance would be most appreciated.

The website for DEMAND is: http://parole.loria.fr/DEMAND/

With kind regards

Curtis Alcock
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