I have just completed some Brahma microphones using 25 mm capsules and low 
noise fets. I am hoping to do calibration measurements next week. I wish I 
could send one microphone - it can be used with the electronics that go with 
the 14 mm Brahma.Or send the whole kit and caboodle, if I can afford it. would 
be nice to try it out with the others. Nicer still if one could do some very 
quiet nature recordings.
> From: j...@johnleonard.uk
> Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 12:59:16 +0100
> To: sursound@music.vt.edu
> Subject: [Sursound] Surround & Binaural Mic Shoot-out thing
> Well, this could become a thing if enough people are interested: I’ve been 
> researching locations and so far, the leading paid-for contender is the 
> Menuhin Hall at Cobham, in Surrey. Reasonably easy to get to, on-site 
> parking, nice acoustics and an offer of a deal from the manager. I did ask 
> Air Lyndhurst (£3,200 for a ten hour day) and Henry Wood Hall (£1,800 for the 
> same) so both well out the running, but The Menuhin Hall looks affordable, 
> probably less than £1,000 with the use of their piano, less than £600 without 
> and I’ll put up some of the cost if I can find a few other institutions do 
> chip in. I’ll approach the Association of Sound Designers, who will be 
> providing the Neumann Head and the Sennheiser simulated surround thing (I can 
> never remember what it’s called) and the IPS to see if their members are up 
> for it and if they might like to put a few quid into the pot.
> I’m looking at late July, early August at the moment and what would help at 
> this stage, is a better idea of who might like to come, so probably best if 
> it happens off-list for the time being, to avoid clutter. 
> Drop me a note and I’ll take it from there.
> Thanks,
> John
> Please note new email address & direct line phone number
> email: j...@johnleonard.uk
> phone +44 (0)20 3286 5942
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