At 12:01 03-02-16, Justin Bennett wrote:

>> On 02 Feb 2016, at 18:00, wrote:
>> From: David Pickett<>
>> But...  I seem to be the only person I know who complains about ALL
>> the dialogue coming from the centre speaker on 5.1 movies!  Having
>> sterero dialogue seems to me to be a basic necessity for realism (AKA
>> consistent and natural cues)!
>> David

 If you sit in the middle of the (home)
>cinema then of course you can
>use stereo effectively, but think of the poor person sitting on the
>end of the row, all the dialogue
>then sounds like it comes from the closest speaker.

If the off-axis listener gets mono from the closest speaker, in what way is that any worse than the person in the middle when all that is available to him is mono from the centre speaker? At least with stereo dialogue, the person in the middle gets in, and the others are no worse off than with only a centre feed.

>Same problem in amplified theatre / opera, etc..

Same problem with any real 2 channel stereo. So why dont we make MONO recordings instead.

>Centre-speaker dialogue is a cheap way to ignore the problem, so that’s what happens most!

Cheap is the right word!


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